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Best in class chromatography vials | Cleanest vials for reliability.

Autosampler vials with reduced surface activity makes these premium, quality products the first choice for labs that require accurate and precise chromatographic results.

  • Reduced Surface Activity Vials, Inserts & Ultra Pure Caps

  • Meets or Exceeds all Instrument Specs

  • Use for LCMS, LCMS/MS, Low abundance & Basic Analytes

After years of feedback from chromatographers about vials causing sporadic issues with their results; a manufacturing process was developed to produce vials without the root causes of adsorption, pH change over time and sodium adducts in MS.

Click HERE for more product & technical information.

Caps - Ordering Information; AQR™ screw and snap caps are the highest quality caps available with extremely low extractables & excellent resealing.

RSA™ Low Volume Vials & Inserts - Ordering Information; Maximum recovery vials including MRQ™, Max Recovery™ & "Fused Insert" vials and drop-in inserts with attached springs.

RSA™ Vials - Ordering Information; Clear, Clear WriteOn & Amber WriteOn 2ml vials with Reduced Surface Activity glass.

NEW!!! RSA-Pro X Low adsorbing, Hydrophobic Vials with a new Surface Treatment technology that not only provides complete coverage of RSA Vials, but also has extremely long hydrolytic stability.

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