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Inline filters | Protect your instruments | 2um or 0.5um.

Even with pre-filtering, your samples you could still agglomerate or precipitate samples, matrix or solvent reagents in the vial or pick up particles from your injector. Also, common shredding of pump seals can find its way into systems that can cause your instrument to be taken off line for maintenance. An essential and most economical way to protect your columns and instruments is to use a disposable, inline filters.

Reasons for using in line system filters in HPLC:

  • Particle Removal - First line of defense.

  • Column Protection - Improve instrument service uptime.

  • Pump and Valve Maintenance - Reduce pump seal wear.

  • Degassing efficiency - Helps remove dissolved air by degassers.

  • Microbial Control - Minimize baseline drift and increase.

Click HERE for HPLC column inline filters.

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