Polymeric tubing | Low pressure zones | PTFE | ETFE | PFA | FEP

Use low pressure tubing on all HPLC systems; before the injector, after the detector, on mobile phase inlet and “to waste” tubing. Low pressure tubing is also used for low pressure LC systems where chemical inertness is desired. All MicroSolv™ low pressure tubing is pure and chemically inert. We offer 4 different types for your specific needs.

  • ETFE (TEFZEL) -This low pressure tubing has the highest pressure rating for mobile phases. This tubing is extruded from virgin ETFE without any additives mixed into the original ETFE material. ETFE tubing is widely used in low and medium-pressure laboratory applications due to the relatively high burst-pressure. Please be aware that ETFE tubing is not resistant to all chemicals. Some organic solvents may cause swelling and reduce the pressure stability.

  • FEP (FlourinatedEthylenePropylene) - low pressure tubing extruded from virgin FEP. FEP is especially useful in ion-chromatography applications. Do not use FEP above 80°C.

  • PFA Tubing (PerFlourAlkoxy) - Similar to PTFE but less permeable, is extruded from virgin PFA. We do not add any additives to the original PFA material, except for color particles in the solid colored tubing. PFA tubing and capillaries do not contain micro-pores in the tubing wall to the same extent as PTFE tubing.

  • PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene aka Teflon™) - This Lowest Cost tubing is widely used in all low-pressure laboratory applications. Please be aware that all PTFE tubing contains micro-pores in the tubing wall. These micro-pores allow for a quick air exchange. This is of special consideration for degassed and oxygen-sensitive solvents. Our PTFE tubing is extruded from virgin PTFE. We do not add any additives to the original PTFE material, except for color particles in the solid colored tubing.

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