HPLC Column Set, PEEK with a 4.6 mm ID. Includes, a 300 mm x 4.6 mm black, column body tube plus 2 PEEK 2 um frits & 2 end fittings. ARE-Applied Research brand. 1 EA.

Additional Info:

This column is chosen when sample compounds could negatively interact with stainless steel such as many proteins, peptides, nucleic acids and other bio compounds, as well as some small molecules and many ions.

This column set is made with All-PEEK, graphite is added to the material before extrusion to achieve the black color of the 1/2-inch (12.70 mm) OD column tube, which is not treated with any chemicals. The black color helps extend the life of the outer appearance of the columns.

The threads for this column are 1/2 - 20 and the "smooth" mirror-like inner surface of the column body is achieved through a very careful, proprietary, extrusion method.

Pack any stationary phase you want into your own columns with this bioinert column hardware set. Use with the proper ARE-Applied Research brand all-PEEK Slurry Reservoir Kit to pack and maintain a biocompatible separation.

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